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Between FOMO, work and travel our life on 10 m² in our adventure mobile Fuchur

We have been on the road for nearly 4 months now and wanted to give you a short update on how our life in the INNOVAN has developed. One thing is for sure, the best decision ever! We are enjoying self-determination and all the new impressions to the fullest and have both become much more relaxed.

What can be challenging, of course, is generally getting travel and work under one hat.

We already knew beforehand that we wanted to build something sustainable with this step in order to be able to lead this lifestyle for a longer period of time, and of course you have to work for that.

We already included this aspect in our decision-making process at that time and therefore consciously decided in favour of the INNOVAN. We knew that we would spend a lot of time on the laptop inside and what can I say, our Fuchur is perfectly equipped for this.

The generous Sky Roof opens up the entire room and always provides enough daylight.

The table is very stable and you can extend and enlarge it. This means we can easily accommodate "two workstations" and last but certainly not least, the seating comfort. Of course, this is not an insignificant component when you spend so many hours on it, our backs will thank us for it in any case!

Quality was definitely a priority here, the seating comfort of the back seat and the seats are excellent.

Yes, and now we come to the exciting part of our lives:

Travelling in general & discovering new magical places

We love exploring new places and capturing everything with our camera.

Again, our Fuchur fits our lifestyle perfectly. Due to its length of 6m, we are relatively flexible and usually have no problem finding parking spaces for our extensive exploration tours.

We are also very well equipped in terms of self-sufficiency, for example with an additional solar panel on the roof. Of course, a shower and toilet are a must and we were also very happy about our awning, but no wonder, this year was the hottest summer in years!

Logically, we travel many kilometres to see as much of Europe as possible. This can also quickly reduce the travel budget. Especially tolls and petrol costs should not be underestimated, although the petrol costs in our case are really within reasonable limits. Our INNOVAN Fuchur is really economical on the road. With an average fuel consumption of only 8.8 l per 100 km, there is really nothing to complain about!

All in all, we have arrived in the life of digital nomads and Fuchur is definitely the right buddy for it.


After 1.5 months in France, it's time to say goodbye and move on to Spain. Our first stop will be the pulsating Barcelona!

Of course, what else!

So you can already look forward to our adventures in Spain…


Fabian & Alexandra

*In cooperation with LMC Caravan - my opinion remains unaffected by that.

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